International Holocaust Commemoration Day
This sad chapter of modern civilizations glared the murderous natures of humanity - of one group of inferiority complex crazy bastards satanically attempt to exterminate another race to gain immoral existence. 63 years had passed, what have we learned from this sad chapter ? Looking around at the present happenings, there are indeed many parallel eerie resemblances leading to another possibility of holocaust. Do these international criminals have no mercy and compassion on the innocents, the elderly, the women, and the children ? Are we going to allow subspecies created in Satan's image murdering human beings created in God's image ? What sadistic satisfactions would these subspecies achieved with their senseless acts ?
The United nations "condemns without reservation any denial of the holocaust" so that human being with reasonable minds can learn from the history of this dark chapter of human barbarisms. Ban Ki-moon, the new Secretary General of United nations said "Denying historical facts, especially on such an important subject as the Holocaust, is just not acceptable. Nor is it acceptable to call for the elimination of any State or people. I would like to see this fundamental principle respected both in rhetoric and in practice by all the members of the international community." It is indeed very sad to note that there are desperate politicians out there, wanting to perpetuate their popularity and sustain their immoral stay, leading the mentally blinds to deny the existence of Holocausts with their politic of hatreds.
The mass slaughtering of Armenians was a holocaust. The 9/11 destruction of USA's World Trade centre was a Holocaust, The mass murdering of Iraqi Kurds was a holocaust. The Nanjing Massacres was a holocaust. Racial riots are holocaust. And the list goes on...... Why are we trying so desperately to deny the existence of these despicable events ? Why are we trying to rewrite history ?
To all the victims of the holocausts, may God bless your souls. Rest in peace.
May human beings have the courages to learn from history, and the pride to do the right things morally to preserve peace. Shame yourselves no more with your evil ideologies, intolerances, arrogances, decadences, and hatreds. Respect Human Rights and learn to appreciate diversities in cultures, creeds, races, and religions. Let not your hatreds and ignorances be passed to your next generations. Instigate not your next generation toward another holocaust ! NEVER AGAIN !
With tears in my eyes, I wish PEACE be upon you. Namo Amithaba Buddha....
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