Thursday, June 28, 2007

Honour be thy name ?

A six week old baby girl from Perton, Wolverhampton, UK probably has the world's longest name ! Her boxing crazed mother, in keeping with her family's tradition, gave her 25 middle names ( all from the name of famous boxers ). The baby girl's full name is "Autumn Sullivan Corbett Fitzsimmons Jeffries Hart Burns Johnson Willard Dempsey Tunney Schmeling Sharkey Carnera Baer Braddock Louis Charles Walcott Marciano Patterson Johansson Liston Clay Frazier Foreman Brown".

The name is 184 characters long, long enough to crash out a lot of computer applications out there. The poor girl would probably going to need a lot of efforts to even remember her name. Unusual name indeed, But I guess it is still better than some Malaysian Chinese names such as Too Sai ( pig shit ) , Gong Cow ( stupid dog ), Kow Sai ( dog shit ) Too Kia ( piglet ), See Hang ( toilet bowl), Too koh ( pig stud ), etc... Somehow, the olden days Chinese seemed to believe that, if you gave your child a strange name, the evil spirits will leave them alone and let the child grow up peacefully and healthily. Make sense ? Well, some parents do have distinctly inappropriate sense of appropriateness. I shake my head...

No insult intended, my son named his pet dog "Bush". He love to give command such as "I say, Bush, Sit !", " Bush roll over !", "Bush, lick my foot !", etc. It is really fun and destressing to watch our "Bush" doing all these acrobatic acts to beg for foods !

By the way, I am thinking of getting one Bull Dog as additional pet. Just curious, is it an offense in Malaysia to name my pet dog after some politicians ?

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