Wednesday, February 08, 2006

In the name of God ?

I am a Taoist practicing Buddhism. I occasionally read the bible for references. I walk the middle path. The followings are my comments and observations of recent reported events. I respect humanity and I have no wish to offend any religion, race, or creed.

In May 2001, some misguided religious fanatic issued an edict deeming the two Buddha Statues, which are carved into a mountain in Afghanistan, as non-Islamic and ordered their destruction. Subsequently, these world's tallest ancient statues of Buddha was machine gunned, bombed, and destroyed.. The question here is, was sensitivity and respect being accorded by these arrogant rapists of civilization ? As a believer of Buddhism, I felt the pains and at the same time offended with lots of angers. The point here is, I am a civilized Buddhist. I don't hijack Buddhism and go around inciting hatred and violence. At the end of the day, evil doers shall be punished by God.

Few years ago, the Twin Towers of America was attacked by some fanatical religious bigots cheered by some misguided religious leaders with lame excuses. Thousand of innocent lives were lost. Did they care about the sensitivities, pains, and suffering of innocent people ? The American go on the offensive to hit back. The wraths of the ferocious eagle was felt. Violent does begets violent. An eye for an eye ! The American evened the score! So it seemed. The cowards now feared to step on the soil of America to launch violent and criminal acts. Europe now is seen as an easy target by terrorists using slightest unintended provocation to legitimize their attacks. Again, the sad fact remained that, religion has been hijacked by fanatics to achieve their own agenda. Along the way, simple minded people are provoked into emotional senselessness and innocent people are wrongly victimized. It is all about their selfish feelings ! Did they care about the feelings of innocent people ?

With regards to the controversial cartoons published in the Danish's newspaper and the subsequent unnecessary instigated violences around the world, instead of rationally understand why the cartoon was published, some choose to use violence and criminal acts to censor what they don't like to see or hear. Because, they claimed they are being provoked, it is their legitimate rights ! Peace be with you ? All I see is innocent and defenseless people are again being violently attacked in the name of religion. So they come in big group with offensive weapons, they vent their frustrations with violent intends, hooliganism rules ! might is right ?

Frankly, the cartoon should not be allowed to be published in the first place. It is an insult to Islam. But the sad fact is, it is already published and reprinted in several other countries by irresponsible media to gain readerships in the name of press freedom. The newspapers have apologized for the insensitivity and lack of respect for other religions. We should all just take it as it is and move forward. The misunderstanding should be settled in a peaceful manner with appropriate compensations in accordance with the rules of land. This is the basic tenet of civil society. All religions should learn to respect the common decency of denouncing violences and propagate peaceful mutual respect and cohabitations. Irresponsible calling for boycott of the entire country, inciting hatreds, indiscriminate murdering of innocent people, hooliganism, riots, and launching of violent attacks on the embassies merely reflect the lack of respect for humanity, low self esteem, and prehistoric barbaric cultures.

I call on all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, etc. to exercise basic decency and sensitivity to stop making irresponsible communications to provoke and conduct insults on each other religions and faiths. If other people religions is not compatible with your own religion, please learn to respect these diversity of humanity. Insults and violences in the name of religion should be condemned in a civil manner. We are all children of God. All religions should be accorded the highest respect in accordance to the charter of United Nations. We should all learn to respect the law of the land. Only barbarians resort to violences ! Yesterday it was America, Today it is in Europe, tomorrow they may end up at your door step ! These hooligans are not defenders of their faiths, they are criminal law breakers with hiddened agendas, and should be dealt with appropriately in accordance with the rules of law, not rules of emotions, and definitely not rules of violences. Do not use religion as a avenue to bully other people simply because their religious practices are incompatible with yours. Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you....

May God bless the peace makers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here here!!