Friday, April 14, 2006

Mercy to Difficult Employee ?

What is the most decisive way to deal with Difficult Employee ?

Every entrepreneur wishes that his business is staffed by highly motivated, honest, diligent, and hardworking personnel that would always be happy and satisfied. That they would not be self centred and a team player that works towards the future growth of the company. That he would work as a TEAM effectively across departments without conflicts between coworkers. It is also every entrepreneur obligations to compensate his employee with appropriate compensation packages.

But this is a real world, even if all employee are rewarded handsomely, the “ideal” personnel is non-existent. Whether we like it or not, the diversities of backgrounds such as family upbringing, personalities, experiences and skills, insatiable greeds, and individual selfish needs, brought about a need to manage a working environment that is very challenging and unpredictable.

As an entrepreneur managing a small professional firms, I have comes to encounter many interesting and stimulating situations in relation to managing difficult personnel. Is short, some personnel are so screwed up where their personality, attitude, integrity, or approach to work and life is beyond comprehension of a reasonable man. These are truly the Difficult Personnel and if left unchecked will cause problems for your business.

Difficult Personnel causes stress, frustration, and is also Bad for business, they drained the company resources such as wasted time, unproductive, demoralized Good Personnel, working with competitor to siphon company business away for commission, strained customer relationship, and causes loss of customers.

Difficult Personnel comes in all kinds of negative attitudes and personality. Some are the Great Pretender who will shamelessly raised his right to declared his loyalty without any hesistation. And, at the same time, worked with unethical suppliers to muscled a commission to himself resulting in higher costs of goods and making the business uncompetitive. Some unethically leaked company information to competitor to obtain kickbacks as side income. I once caught a personnel for siphoning company business to competitor, believe it or not, he has no guilt and even blamed his mother because he has to pay high medical bills for the mother. Some difficult personnel is Egoistic and Self-Centred with chronic malcontent. This type of personnel always like to complain, whin, and blames others. They hide their inferiority complex by being arrogant, egoistic, and the me-not-wrong attitude. They are also ever willing to sabotage their colleagues to make himself look good. These personnel always causes good personnel to leave the company resulting in high turnover. There are also Difficult Personnel who is very selfish refusing to share or transfer knowledge with fellow colleagues. Last but not least, we also have difficult personnel who is lazy and and professional lier. I once have a salesman who has thousand and one funny reason of not able to submit sales report and whose daily routine is either (1) mark the attendance book then disappear for the whole day, or (2) SMS the office for all sorts of funny excuse of not able to come to office.

Whether we like it or not, difficult employee became difficult simply because their unproductive behaviors were rewarded with mercy instead of being punished. The present legal framework simply put too much protection for difficult personnel to the extend that they become a parasite to any organization. A business' ultimate objective is to make profit. A business is not a social institution to rehabilitate people with difficult personality. Anyway, difficult personnel are basically hardcore corporate criminals, they can never be retrained, and the only way to effectively deal with difficult employee in a fast changing business environment is to FIRE them unpredictably and immediately without mercy. Call me heartless or whatever. But the question I want to put forward to you is, do you honestly think these Difficult Personnel has mercy when comes to bringing down the business and whole TEAM of people who depend on the business for their daily livelihoods ?

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