Monday, May 08, 2006

Differences Beween EAST and WEST......

So much animosities, so much hatreds, and so much mistrusts between the EAST and the WEST. What are wrongs with these little species called homo sapient on this beautiful mother Earth ? Here comes another incoherent rantings from a coffee intoxicated western educated oriental wise old man.

The sun rises from the EAST, and sets on the WEST.

The EAST read from Right to Left, but the WEST read from Left to Right.

The EAST perceives the WEST as decadent.
The WEST perceives the EAST as intolerance.

The EAST accept authoritarian rules but idolized democratic leaderships.
The West accept democratic rules but idolized authoritarian leaderships.

The WEST working in the EAST is called “Expat”.
The EAST working in the WEST is called migrant.

The EAST excels in complexities and contradictions.
The WEST excels in simplicities and logics.

The EAST believe in Saving for the FUTURE.
The WEST believe in borrowing from the FUTURE.

The EAST subscribes to the power of supernatural.
The WEST subscribes to the power of science and technology.

The EAST glorifies the PAST,
but unable to control the PRESENT.
The WEST control the PRESENT,
and dictate the FUTURE.

The EAST is poor and interdependent.
The WEST is rich and independent.

Life is good in the WEST- Heaven is On Earth.
Everybody wants to go to Heaven,
but nobody wants to die.

Life is a constant struggle in the EAST - Hell is on Earth.
Everybody is more willing to die,
as a one way ticket to heaven.

The EAST and the WEST run in Parallel lines.
EAST line will never meet the WEST line.
Forcing the EAST to accept the WEST,
or the WEST to accept the EAST,
shall create instabilities and animosities between two parallel cultures......

So, will there be a crash of civilizations ?
When there is, that shall be the end of the world.
Will GOD help you then ?
One thing for sure, he ( or perhaps She ) shall smiles on you,
and said “oh my dear child, I told you so !”

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