Saturday, February 10, 2007

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not part of our Malaysians' culture. But whether we like it or not, commercialism and influences of western culture has made this banana shaped little potato country of the east increasingly westernly inclined. Malaysian women loved to be valued, appreciated and be reminded of their worths on this special day of February ! When a Malaysian woman said she is not that particular about Valentine's day, be very careful about her deceiveful orientation ! This is basically a very intricate oriental behavior of communicating otherwise to test a man's sensitivity towards a woman needs.

If you think it is okay to skip Valentine's Day and make it look like any ordinary day because she said so, then you are in for a big emotional surprise. Hello, which woman has no wish to be pampered with gift and love on Valentine's Day ? So, when your wife or girlfriend told you she is not expecting any Valentine's Day's gift, be very afraid and insure your life by showering her with all the gifts and attentions you can afford. You simply need to meet her hidden expectations of commercial goods consumerate with her self worth. Otherwise, you may end up living the rest of the year in misery and sarcasms. Forget about your daily prayer to God. God is more forgiving ! The wraths of a woman are more scarier than you can imagined. The person who came up with the idea of celebrating Valentine's Day ought to be shot. I would love to put a bullet through between his legs.........

So, you macho guys out there, please remember the date, it is February 14th 2007 ( Wednesday ). It is okay to impress the woman you love with your sensitivity and shower her with commercial gifts. I don't know much about women, but one thing i do know, women love men's stupidities. So what I am going to do on Valentine's Day ? Maybe, just maybe, I might take a day off, serve her breakfast with my specially brewed hot aromatic black coffee, eggs and sausages on the bed......

Happy Valentine's Day....

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