Tuesday, November 15, 2005

As I Look Back.......

As a young boy living in a small village in Taiping, I have seen the hardships faced by my parents – the needs to make enough money to feed a family of 12. As I grow older into my teenage years, I realized how tough life is for my father, having to get up at 4 o’clock in the morning, and have to worked past 12 o’clock midnight everyday, 7 days a weeks without any rest day. He never pampered himself with any luxury, but he make sure his children live in a comfortable environment. My mother, who has never had a single day of formal education, was a very determined lady. It still amazed me until today how my mother single handedly defended us and hold the family together against all odds. Life was tough then, but it conditioned us to be more determined to be a better man.

As a youngster. I felt the frustrations and angers to realize how “educated” people shortchanged my father into parting away his hard earned money. I am not a revengeful person, but my early childhood’s experiences has caused me to hold contempt of those group of people.

At the age of 17 or probably 18, I realized that, life is never fair. You have to make something out of nothing. No body owed you a living….. You have to stand up on your own and work very hard to achieve what you want. At that age, I have the funny feeling that God is a sadist. He love to tortured you into frustrations and despairs to make you submit to him……

Life back then during the late sixties and seventies was not a bed of roses……

But on the optimistic side, those early childhood’s environment has toughened all of us. It made us a survivor – A survivor in the street of 21st century.

To my beloved father and mother, I shall never forget your sacrifices and unselfish love. I promise you I shall take good care of my family. Rest in peace. May God with his amazing grace bless your souls. Namo Amithaba…

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