Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hypocrisies Blown Away ?

Hypocrisies Blown Away by Dato' Dzulkifli Abd Razak, NST – 23 Oct. 2005
"..... In short, take away the hype and niceties and what is left are "holier-than-thou" attitudes based on double standards. In fact, among us are those who are behaving like George Orwell’s pigs (especially Napoleon and Squealer) in the satirical Animal Farm of 1945. This can also explain their pig-headed attitude based on the commandment "some are more equal than others" which are cleverly disguised as values of democracy, freedom and equality. Could this be yet another version of Orwell’s allegorical imagination, except that this time the politicians- cum-actors are from the "free" world? ..."
He criticised the american about inequality and double standards. The question is, are we any better than the American ? We shouldn't critisize other countries becasuse of our preferences. What happened ( or did not happened ) in America is none of our business !


Anonymous said...

Well said, Blackcoffee,

You know, these so called 'big shots' having the title 'Dato", Datuk etc very often forgot their roots. They insist the they are called as 'Dato' and nothing else. They do not want people to call by their names which their parents gave to them. Their parents brought them into this world, nurture them to where they are today and yet do not want people to call by their name. They are embarassed to be called by their own name. They think their surname is 'Dato' or 'Tan Sri' ..
What is so great by these titles?

By the way, who is this Mr. Dzulkilfi oomps! Dato?


Dalai Baru ( CK ) said...

Ha... ha... You are very entertaining but naughty.

Seriously, datoship or datukship is awarded to distinguished people for their contributions to society. Most of the dato's or datuk's I known are very humble and Good people. I think we should accord them some honest respect.

Of course, there may be some misbehaved dato's or datuk's out there. After all they are also human. But the number is very insignificant.

Don't use one stick of bamboo to kill a whole village of people.