Saturday, March 03, 2007

Civil servants not getting enough salaries ?

First, the Umno Youth Complaint Bureau's Chairman said that the government is not doing enough to create more jobs for the bumiputra graduates. And, he also suggested to the government to enforce 30% job quota in the private sector for bumiputras.

Now, the President of Cuepacs ( labour union for civil servants ), Omar Osman, hinted the civil servants are not getting enough pay and would refuse over time work, because they can work part time in private sector to get better compensation. Is this guy for real. Is he hinting that, we need to pay civil servant across the board higher salaries to encourage them to put in the little bit of extra efforts to render service excellence ?

God, who owes them a living ? kanlinlowboo... Everyday kowpek kowboooooo.

Malaysia has a low population of approximately 26 million people, but despite many major privatization of essential services, the tax payers are still burdened with 1.2 million civil servants, which works out to the ratio of 1 civil servant to 21 citizen. Omar said civil servants are reluctant to perform overtime work because the compensations are not attractive enough compared to private sector ? What a big joke ! By right, with that high ratio of 1:21, there shouldn't be any need for overtime work at all, and there shouldn't be any delay in delivery of government services at all. In fact, all their work should be completed within working hours, and if need be, the working hours should be reduced to save administrative overheads such as electricity, water, utilities, etc. They can not finished their work during office hours ? What have they been doing in the office ? peeling ikan bilis and kangkong ? gossiping politics ?

I am not a work flow expert, but as a tax payer, I find it unacceptable for the continuous lame excuses put up by the civil servants union to seek higher compensations by claiming improved productivity and comparing their compensation packages with the private sectors. Honestly, has there been any slight improvement in civil servant productivity ? with the current ratio, I don't think so ! Perhaps, when the ration is improved to say, 1: 100, then maybe the civil servants can stake claim of their improve productivity.

Another fallacy always put forward by Cuepac is, "employee in private sector get better pay than civil servant". Now, let be honest about this claim. Has there really been any audited and conclusive reports by independent study groups to stake this claim ? NO, no... and NO. Not that I am aware of. All these kowpek Kowboo civil servants are biasedly quoting figures from their god-knows-what sources to sinfully attempt to justify for higher salaries.

By claiming the reasons of unable to make ends meet, irrelevant productivity indicators, and selective comparison with private sector's compensation package to seek higher compensation package, the civil servants are indirectly using emotions to threaten Malaysians and conducting economic blackmailing. This irresponsible and ungrateful attitude must stop.

I personally know many hard working civil servants who work their butts out and are unselfishly committed to the professionalism demanded from their positions. These committed professional civil servants never demand higher compensations, because they know, their positions demand them to fulfill their obligations of national service and genuine productivity. To all those unhappy civil servants, the grass is always greener on the other side, if you felt that you are beinh shortchanged in the government services, please resign now to join the private sectors, rather than hogging on to the vacancies that other patriotic Malaysians are willing to fill. Please lah, stop making all those irritating noises, let's take the challenge, resign now to join the private sector !

How green was my grass ? I have this to say to you.... Stop complaining that you are getting not enough salary. Be thankful, at least you still have a job. When your salary is not enough, please try to live within your means. If you made less than RM2000 a month, tried not to impress other with your potential to live like a king. I have no problem eating chapfun everyday, what makes you think that you must given the special priviledge to dine in upmarket restaurants to impress the less fortunates ?

1 comment:

Monsterball said...

The government services could be provided at or better than existing levels by much fewer but higher performing and higher paid civil servants. But the government years ago chose to create a massive civil service to provide jobs to support the NEP.

The Government has worked itself into a corner due to this policy. It becomes extremely expensive to raise salaries for all civil servants. Yet government salaries are really becoming ridiculously uncompetitive.
The answer is quite obvious - many companies use this path to boost their performance. You don't even have to retrench anybody.

Streamline working processes to reduce the number of people needed, let natural retirement, resignations etc. reduce the workforce over time. Pay the reduced workforce a good salary. You end up with a more efficient organisation, with a well paid workforce.

But we all know why the government won't take this path.