Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Vision for 2057

I had a dream..... I woke up, and I was told to go back to sleep to dream on....

In this bolihland, we are all living in a land of many fantasies of great visions and missions of the future. Sadly, for the present, we are of no substance, but only capable of generating loud farting noises from beating empty drums to achieve euphoric shiokism. Our political leaders are a bunch of fantastic dream merchants. In the past, we danced to the beats of bolihism. Now, in search of never ending dreams, we are beginning to learn to rock with the hip hop music of kiasuism. Many years ago, we were promised perfect vision by year 2020, then came another dream merchant, who promised great social developments and prosperity by extending another 50 years to the 2020 to 2057. What had done to prepare ourselves to achieved this great mission of 2057 ? One thing for sure, we are pretty good at drumming and strumming the music of race and religion to seek to sustain our unconscious incompetency and a pride that is lesser in size than the balls hanging between our legs. Well, we can go on lying on the bed masturbating in dreamy state, and I doubt we can ever achieve that momentary pleasurable orgasms. Dream on baby.....

Perhaps, maybe by the year 2057, with the aids of Multimedia Super Corridor, we will become a digital society. By that time, we are either a citizens or a digizen in a digitally divided nation. Each and everyone of us will be assigned an Avatar to conduct our daily affairs in virtual reality.

By that time, maybe we can give all those unconsciously incompetence politicians a digital login name for Facebook, Second Life, Ragnarouk, etc. Let them be the digizens of virtual reality to conduct their racial rhetorics, religious intolerances, warfares and aggressions, etc. in a confined space of cyber lunacy.

Perhaps by the year 2057, with all those people practicing the world's second oldest profession contained in the virtual reality of the cyber world, the world will be a much more safer, peaceful, friendly, and prosperous place.

From now to 2057, I sincerely hope all those politicians who practised racial politics to seek popularity and perpetuate their corrupted life styles can be enlightened by their righteous Gods to discard their despicable acts. Asking me to keep on dreaming to year 2020, then 2057 ? Forget it ! Why not for the time being, all of us learn how to respect human rights and live an honorable and ethical life. A small righteous step forward is a big leap into prosperous and meritorious Malaysia.

By the year 2057, I presumed all those faked religious and racist fagots were already dead and rotted in hell ! I will probably residing in heaven looking down on this beautiful blue marble. Hopefully, issues of race, religion, and culture will no longer be exploited by racial pariahs to sustain selfish and immoral agenda. With the maturity of times, Malaysians will become true Malaysians living in prosperity, harmony, equality, and unity. Sincerely, this is my hope and prayer for Malaysia and future Malaysians – A united and secular nation of righteous people with integrity and morality.

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