Ooop, honey I farted.......

It is indeed amusing to be entertained by wannabe politicians waving short swords in the air to seek support and to portray themselves as communal champions. As far as I am concerned, waving of any weapon in front of a group of unarmed audiences is not only offensive, but it also demonstrate ill mannerism and backwardness. Am I supposed to feel proud and not be offended by this initmidating uncultured act ? In this modern age, civilized people do not carry weapon such as knife, short sword, or gun to intimidate others. Only hooligans, gangsters, and uncultured barbarians resort to carry weapons to intimidate others. And those who draw sword will eventually die by the sword. Therefore, a civilized and cultured man will never raise a short sword above his head, wave it, and shouting emotional rhetorics in public.
Do I feel threatened by this uncultured act of public waving of short sword by communal pariahs ? No. It is their rights to moronized their regressive stupidity in public. Let them be, eventually they will burp foul breaths through their mouth, smelly farting through their real orifices, and be the first one to breath in their own contaminated air.
Traditionally, a short sword symbolizes phallic masculinity. The Latin word for sword is "gladius" or in English, “Penis”. Therefore, only a person with inferiority complex resort to kiss, then attempt to wave his little penis to glorify his little manhood. Would you respect a mentally derailed exhibitionist ? Am I being insensitive if I started to laugh at the exhibitionist's symbolic glorification of his lack of manhood and inferiority complex ?
In ancient Japan, the warrior carried a hidden wakizashi ( short sword ), and only draw it to commit seppuku ( suicide, harakiri, etc ) when he is defeated.. In ancient China, when an army general dreamed of waving a short sword in the air, It usually meant defeat is imminent, and there shall be death in the “family”. Symbolically, when a man point his short sword skyward, it basically symbolized a desperate man seeking to challenge heaven ( God ) because he has lost faith in his religion.
It is uncultured and childish trying to intimidate others with foolish act of glorified stupidity. But if these idiots felt that it is their rights to draw and wave their little short swords, by all means, please draw it, and masturbated with it in the privacy of their own home. By the way, the Auditor General did mentioned that we bought expensive screw drivers, may be they should used it also to screw themselves into perverted orgasms. Would they feel offended if others raised and waved their glorious and mythical GuanGong's long sword of justice, righteousness, and equality at them ?
We go around demanding others to respect our sensitivities, how about we keep our part of the bargain first by not being insensitive to others ? For a start, how about everybody put aside all those uncivilized and barbaric weapons, talk civilized language, act ethically, learn how to shake each other hand, and hug each other ?
Wah Sala Boh Ai lang Kong.... Boh Lang kong wau sala ?
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