Friday, August 31, 2007

Genitally yours.......

I recently read about a sad case of a young girl who died while undergoing a “purification” rite where circumcision were done on her genital. This shameful and barbaric rite is commonly known as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Maybe I am culturally insensitive and ignorant to condemn this type of barbaric cultural rites. But let us not show disrespect to the basic human rights of young girls in particular and women in general. In the name of cultural and traditional rights, how low and indecent men can go to indulge in their stupidity and insanity ?

It is indeed very sad that, in this age of modernity, there are still regressive mental retards out there who take pride in creating communal, physical, and mental pressure to force frightened young girls to underwent excision of the clitoris and labia of the vagina. In certain severe case, the vagina is sew shut, and at later age, the vagina is surgically reopened to allow her husband to have sexual intercourse. The mutilation of the female genital, subject the young girls to various health risks and mental anguish. The girl may also died from the procedural complications such as wrong dosage of anaesthesia, hemorrhage, and other complications.

The community that practice FGM usually claimed that, a woman's vagina labia and clitoris are “not clean”, and as long as the female genital is not mutilated according to the community's cultural standards, the woman will become promiscuous and “un-marriageable”. The whole idea of FGM is to “protect” the woman's chastity, making her faithful to her future husband, and to prevent her from having sexual pleasures. The whole idea, I believed,, is to ensure the women toe the line of “acceptable” standard of sexuality to protect the honour and pride of the men. What a shameful values of morality. If mutilating a female genitals can purify and defend the honours of their family and community. Why not practise the double assurances by also removing the testicles and cut-off the penis' tip of the menfolks there ? Why torture the innocent young girls with stupid and barbaric tradition to glorify the men's inferiority complex ?

I am equally shocked to learned that, those uneducated women who were previously forced by their men and culture to undergone FGM are also supporting FGM to be done on their children and other young girls. It is indeed a sadistic mentality of “since I was previously forced to have my genital mutilated, it is only fair that other innocent young girls be also put through the same torturous genital mutilations”. So, in the process, this madness become the accepted rites of passage for innocent young girls. Young girls continued to be subjected to needless trauma, bodily harms, danger of death, and ordeal. Sickening people in sickening society manifesting their sickening culture to nauseate civilized world. Times and again, forked tongues politicians asking the rest of the civilized to respect and show sensitivity to this sickeningly sadistic and barbaric cultures.

FGM is an act of sexual assault. This inhumane act of FGM must be totally banned and abolished. Let's all not keep silent on this abuse or make polite excuses that we need to respect barbarians' cultural sensitivity. A human rights abuse is a HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE. Let us not be forked tongues about it. FGM is physically a criminal sexual assault. Let's shamed and embargoed the communities that still practice the barbaric tradition of genital mutilations. To those who still believe and insist on their traditional rights to conduct FGM, they are nothing but a bunch of psychotic pea-brained barbarians. I sincerely appeal to them to stop picking on young girls to prove their little manhood. Seriously, are there pride and honour in conducting sexual assaults on young girls in the name of cultures and traditions ?

To those barbarians who still encourages sadistic genital mutilations, you want respect for your cultural rights ? Nah, this is my middle finger ! Is it big and long enough to sensitize your rear orifice ?

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