Saturday, August 18, 2007

This life......

This life,
like troubled water
flowing along the long rivers,
reaching down the wide open arms of the sea.
Will the vast horizon of the sea set my spirit free ?
Will the sea be the final place of eternity ?

This life,
at the defining moments,
would the ends justify the means ?
Would the means dictate by virtue ethics ?
To live, is seemingly easy, and yet seemed not..........

We choose our path,
lived our consequential lives.
But like the water,
along its journey to the sea,
we bend and accommodate the contours of the rivers.
Does it matter how long or how eventful is our life's journey ?
Like the water flowing along the rivers,
at the end of the journey,
we shall all be embraced by the sea.
Would our spirits be set free ?

I ponder,
at the end of life's journey,
is there a paradise of eternity ?
Would the night be brighter ?
Would the stars be shinier ?
Would I be able to touch the moon ?
Would I be able to feel the warm of the sun ?
Would I still have sweet memories ?

This life,
Whatever that may be,
We live to die, and die to live.
I still love its inexhaustible joys and sorrows.
I will, to live, with passions and purpose.

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