Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Waltzing with the spirits ?

I am not at my usual self again tonite...... I am now in a conscious state of spiritual insanity - a love for my self with full control of my habitat, and empathy to the misguided spirits. I guess, if you are conscious of what you are doing, perceived insanity is basically a form of enlightened peace.

I have this uneasy feeling again about unseen energies disturbing my personal energy fields. I am sensitive to my habitat and I am still in full control of myself. The previous few nights, I have been having strange dreams, my sleeps are disturbed, and during day times, I have unexplainable feelings of unease. I believe, the security of my habitat has been breached by spiritual intrusion into my energy fields. Friendly or otherwise, I do not know and I do not wish to know. I am giving the spiritual intruders the benefit of doubts. However, they are reminded to come peacefully with no ill intents, and to leave peacefully with no trails of bad energies.

While the intruders are from the other side, I am on this destined side. - the right side. I do have fear of the unknowns, but I do not need to respond to fear with fears. I do believe that the best defense against spiritual intrusion is love. To overcome fear and evil, I shall respond back with love. For the moment, I shall treat every spirit as angel.

The spirits may have walked the misguided path into my habitat, but they do not belong to this 3 dimensional realms of ours, and their presence are not welcome. They have trespassed into my habitat, I know they are living in fear resulting in them attacking my being as their form of primitive defense. I do not know how to guide them back into their own realms. It is not my business to be sympathetic to their plights, and I will definitely not give them permission or allow them to linger on in my physical habitat. With Love, I shall invite them with dignity to find their own lights to venture back to their side of the world where other loving spirits awaits them.

As a Buddhist, I am well aware of my reality. This space and this energy field is my reality, and I am destined to be in control of my own reality with clear boundary between reality and the other side of spirituality. The power is within me to exert authority over my self and my reality. No spirits, good or bad, can intrude or harm my physical being without my explicit invitation or permission.

So, my dear uninvited spirits, attach me not and disturb me not. For your own good, please leave NOW. In the mean time, I am going to take a shower with sea minerals to enhance my positive energy strengths and purifying the contaminated energy fields. I know, the soothing shower water rushing down to my body will replenish me with plentiful loving energies to overcome all those negative energies. I wish you a safe journey back..........

Om Mani Padme Hum.... Om Namo Amithaba Buddha.....

1 comment:

Monsterball said...

Reminds me of a horror movie I once saw ...."They are here !!"

A house's living inhabitants contribute energy to the home. Normally these unseen beings from outside cannot enter the house uninvited. Say a prayer for them, let them have the merits of your prayer, most likely they will go away. If they already live in your house or on the land it is built, that's a different matter. I believe most houses actually have one or more unseen inhabitants. Most of the time, they won't disturb you, so you won't even notice. I know my home has at least one, but it doesn't disturb us. When I say Buddhist prayers at the altar, it will come to listen. Sometimes I can sense a presence, but its not a bad character.

I believe my daughter could see it when she was a baby. She would smile and babble to something I can't see whenever I carried her during prayers.
Cheers !