Thursday, January 11, 2007

A life less ordinary ?

This bright night skies,
serene, commanding, and encompassing.
Beyond the twinkling and sparkling stars,
is there a Heaven ?

In this dark corner of my mind,
of continuous howling dogs,
piercing illuminated eyes of black cats,
and slithering snakes.
Beyond this delusions,
is there a Hell ?

These beautiful places of worship.
Majestic symbols of different faiths.
Housing reasonable minds,
with unconditional devotions and faiths.
Beyond these reasonable minds,
is there a one that causes to be ?

There is.

This reasonable man of logical minds,
acknowledged your beingness and ascendancy.
But how do I accommodate your authority ?
These devil grants totem,
but they will barter my soul.
You want me to be your preacher,
to give testimonials and serve your commands,
but how can I disregard
my mortal responsibilities?

This trinity. Decide, I shall not.
In actionless passiveness,
Satori shall be my temporal state of mind.

My heart shall be my temple.
My mind shall dictate my path.
The path I walked shall lead me to my purpose.
When my purpose is done,
my time shall come.
Leave me alone,
and let me be.


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