Wednesday, July 25, 2007

And so it seemed...

I was born into a Taoist family but officially registered as a Buddhist at Birth. As far as I am concern, Taoism is an established religion and Buddhism is a great philosophy of life, I have no issues with these combination of religiosity. Both religions are compatible and complementary to each other. Probably due to these embracing religious upbringings, at the later stage of my life, I have no problem accepting and respecting other religions. To me, a religion is basically a man made political affinity of groupings of people trying to demonstrate their hallucinated virtual reality of being "closer" to God. As far as I am concern, there is no right religion or wrong religion. However, I still think mankind would be much better without religions. I am a God fearing person but not a religion fearing person. So, if a person come to me to say that I am following a wrong religion, his religion is the right religion, his religion is better than other religions, or whatever. I would like to think of that person as an ignorant moron incapable of rationalizations. What religion a person profess does not affect his "status" with God. As fas as I am concern, I don't think God cares what religion a person is affiliated with.

As a God fearing person, I do try my very best to live an ethical and moral life. I am what I am today is due to the very basic fact that I do not subscribe to extremism and rigidity of any religion. I live a secular life respectful of the almighty, and walk my practical path to uncover my destined purpose of life. As and when it is practical, I will visit places of worships to pay my respect, to confess, and to seek forgiveness from the Almighty. Other than that, as and when the need arise, I shall reclused myself in a comfortable corner of my house to whisper my prayers and seeking spiritual guidances with sincerity from the bottom of my hearts.

I do not need to be seen in places of worships to be religious. My heart is my temple, I know, the almighty shall guide me, the path I walk shall lead me to my purpose of life and my destiny. So, as long as I believe in God, there is really nothing wrong for not going to places of worships to conduct prayers.

I know, I am a soft spoken person, but I am also a fiercely independent person. I do not welcome obstacles and problems of life, but when they come knocking at my door, I will confront them head on with even greater determinations and calculated maneuvers to overcome these setbacks and move on. When I move on, I will also never forget the lessons learned. I sincerely thank the Almighty for blessing me the mental strengths and physical stamina to embrace the challenges of life.

Being a God fearing person does not gave one the rights to judge and intrude into other people's lifestyle. What is morally and ethically wrong in my eyes may not be so in the eyes of the others, and vice versa. Some live a life with strict conformity to their religious codes. That is their way of life and their rights. Some choose to live a carefree life,. That is also their prerogatives and rights. As long as they keep their lifestyles and beliefs to themselves, I have no problem accepting them as what they are. But, occasionally, I do find it very annoying, when moronic idiots trying to manifest the supremacy of their beliefs and lifestyles without due considerations to others, and deliberately intruding the rights of others. In other words, all of us have our own code of conducts, our own belief, and our own values. How we want to live our life, sinful or otherwise, are none of other people business. With so many religions messing up humanity, morality and ethics are no longer normative and value judgement, but merely a perception. If I don't mind, why should you matter ? So, please keep your religion out of it.

Am I a newage person ? Om Namo Amithaba Buddha. Does that answer you ? Whatever, Good NiteZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

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