Saturday, July 21, 2007

The thing they called Credit Card.............

With the scary stories of snatch thieves, robberies, etc happening in Malaysia, I had been diligently modifying my consumerist behaviors by carrying less cash, and rely more on credit cards. With the modern embedded security features, I would like to assume that it is safe to rely more on the plastic cards than cash. After all, if my cards are misplaced, stolen, or lost, I can just call the service centre and have it cancel immediately. Nowadays, I had habitually carrying not more than RM 50 in my pocket. I don't even bother to carry a wallet anymore but just a cards holder. If I am in an unfortunate situation of being picked pocket, robbed, or snatched, the maximum financial damage is RM 50, so, no issues and no dramas.

My little cards holder contain credit cards, ATM cards, driving License and MyKad. These plastic cards are all in uniform size, so it is quite handy and convenient to load all of them in a single card holder. It is like having RM 75K at my disposal in a small cards holder with minimum risks. So, really, this sinful western capitalist cards are quite handy to all oxymorons like me. As convenient as it may sounds, sad to note that not all places accept credit cards. Sometimes, I do wish I can also use credit card to pay for my favorite Indian roti canai and teh tarik, toasted breads and coffee in the Chinese coffee shop, and fresh vegetables, fish, and meat in the wet market and sundries shop. Why are all these places still not accepting credit card as a legal tender form of payment ?

Spend whatever you can on credit, but please make sure you are not delinquent or default in making payments. Otherwise, you can bet on your sweet ass that the bank appointed debt collectors will try all the ingenuities to collect the outstanding debts from you. So far, I do not have any credit card debts problem yet, simply because, financially I am a very disciplined person. I buy what I need, I pay whatever is due on time, every time.

I do wonder sometimes that, if I ever end up in the unfortunate situation of not being able to pay on time or defaulting payments, should I subject myself to unnecessary duress or stress worrying about the so called problem. After all, the money belongs to the bank, the bank should be the party to worry about recovering the debts. So, why should I worry about the bank's or credit card company's problems ?

So, inability to pay on time or defaulting payment is, really should not be a problem to credit card holders ? There are always impulsive spenders who just spend, spend, and spend and without having the needs to worry too much about making payments. If their credit ratings records are bad in CTOS database, and the banks use those information against them later, they can always sue CTOS for disreputing their credit worthiness. Legally, there is nothing immoral or sinful about it, this is Malaysia, you know..... We may not be respected for our lack of respect for human rights, but, Malaysians do know how to defend their credit rights very well. Crying babies always get the milk.......

I still find it amusing that, there are actually lots of oxymorons who blamed the credit cards except themselves for their financial woes. You know, if you give a bunch of nice flowers to a chimpanzee, you will probably end up having the chimpanzee peeling the petals or trying to swallow the flowers. So, if you give a financially irresponsible person a credit card, he or she will probably end up spending impulsively on credit without due regards to his financial inabilities.

Credit card is a good financial tool to help us make our lives easier with the ability to conduct cashless transactions. But, with the way things are, there are always parasitic people out there trying their level best to make lives creditless and cashless. At the end of the day, do we blame the credit cards and the issuing banks, and embrace these idiots with ample sympathies and empathies because they are so "unlucky" to be burdened with their new found financial woes ?

Pity and help these irresponsible financial morons at the expense of others ? I say, let us put them into bankruptcies and flush them out from our financial system. Perhaps, our financial system will be healthier for the benefits of all, if all of us can show less perverted leniencies to all these irresponsible moronic and parasitic grievance seekers. Why should we make life easier for them when they show no considerations to responsibilities and accountabilities ?

General Elections is coming around the corner. Any politically bankrupt politicians out there to champion the rights of these financially irresponsible people ? After all, these people are financially incapable and are not aware of their financial responsibilities ! Come on, Mr Politicians that care, let stand up and be counted for your perverted social justices and rights. Perhaps, maybe these politicians can also win a lot of extra votes to sustain their political survivals for another term...........

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