Monday, July 02, 2007

The Old Tree

Old tree,
how old are you ?
Perhaps over hundred, you said.
You stand agelessly majestic,
and towering over the rest,
in this open field.....

When I was young,
you were tall.
Now that I am weary and tiredly old,
you are still commandingly majestic.
You mastered the art of gripping the earth,
tall and strong you stood,
against the force of nature,
and man's evil deeds.
You seemed ageless and forever strong
Old tree, tell me your secret of eternity...

Between sun rises and sunsets,
your evergreen branches
provide shades and comforts.
Your roots spread like veins of the earth,
providing a place to rest for tired feet .
Children play hide and seek
and rolling marbles.....

Old tree,
you grow tall and majestic,
you never seemed to grow old.
you seemed to be blessed
to have eternal life.....

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