Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's a dog life ?

A retired professor, Lin, spend 100,680 yuan (USD 14K) to enggage a funeral home in Chengdu, China, on lavish funeral services for his dead pet dog. The dog was a stray dog adopted by him three months ago when he relocated from Dalian to Chengdu. According to him, his pet dog is a symphathetic and loyal friend. Giving a lavish funeral services to the dead dog is to express his grief over the passing of his dog.

Read HERE for futher details.

Well, what can I say, the Chinese are getting increasingly very wealthy nowaday with its super charged economy. But, was it neccessary to spend such amount of money on a dead pet ?

Dear doggie, rest in peace. May the dogmighty bless your "soul" and guide you to dogvana. Namo Amithaba Buddha.....

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