Monday, July 16, 2007

Ban Evan Almighty ?

I read with real amusement that, there are actually Malaysians out there calling the government to ban the movie "Evan Almighty" because they claimed that the movie "hurt their sensitivities", "contrary to their religious teachings", "insulting to their religions", and "against their religions". Kanlinlowhiah, kow-pek kow-boo..... These people really got nothing better to do then to instigate emotions against a comedy movie ? Wow, some mothers do have them, and YES, they do walk among us...........

Oh My God, Evan Almighty, these fartings are getting to be more smelly, louder, and unbearable to the emotional well being of humanity.

Honestly, I think enough is enough ! The government must take step to educate these Malaysians to be a little bit less regressive and a little bit more open minded to respect other people rights to freedom of expressions. There must be a total stop to all these grievance seeking in the name of religion. What is wrong to have a comedy or humorous movie as a form of entertainment for the masses ? I am cock sure that the particular movie was not intended to insult or humiliate any religions. Of course, there are always people with misplaced sensitivity seeking to generate publicities to glorify and justify their misguided intolerances. Why can't these people be a little bit more progressive to occupy their times in innovation and excellence, rather than forever under the siege mentality of seeking out shadow enemies to defend their cultural's honours and religion's sensitivities.

Let us look at thing on a more practical side. No movie producer in his right mind would want to intentionally produce a movie that offend the sensitivities of any religion. It does not made any commercial sense for a producer to produce such a movie. So, can't these perpetual grievance seekers have the basic intelligent to take the movie as it is ? that is, a comedy. In addition, all movies are reviewed by the Film Censorship Board with appropriate classification prior to release for screening. If we felt that a particular movie is not suitable to our religious teaching, offensive, or insensitive to our religion, then by all mean we should avoid seeing the movie. As much as we disagreed with the content of the movie, we should always have the decency and self respect to respect other people artistic and freedom of expressions. If you silence or ban a movie simply because you don't like or is capable to appreciate the content, then what does that made you ? An intellectual ? A righteous person ? A religious person ? A Moron ?

Of late, some of us are getting arrogantly naive to perpetually seeking grievances using the name of religion to parade our ingrained narrow mindedness. Sadly, some of these morons seemed to be very proud of parading their pea brains between their legs to seek attention. I just wish these clowns can have the sensitivity to stop all these unjustified and uncalled for behaviors once and for all. Come on, stop being so selfish, as much as we want others to respect our sensitivity, perhaps, we should be sensitive to others first. I am sick and tired of all these unnecessary emotional outbursts and insensitivities.

Om Namo Amithaba Buddha.... Om Mani Pedme Hum.

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