Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday's reflections.....

Sunday is usually a day I look forward to. After all, Sunday is a day of rest, and a day to contemplate the week that was and a day to look forward to the week that will. As usual, I do enjoy my cup of hot local black coffee and toasted bread. The wavering aroma from the black coffee usually keep me enlightened to my senses of being.

An evening before, I attended a gathering of old classmates from my childhood days. I am glad to note that all of them are still healthy and coping with life well. The sounds and sights of children's jovial playing is a bonus sensations to me. I thank the almighty for the privileges and luxuries to be able to indulge in this occasional gatherings and private reunions. I do hope all of us can continue to enjoy good health to afford more future gatherings of old friends. At my age, sometimes, I do felt at a lost and overcame with sadness, when news of friends from my childhood days crossing over to Almighty's paradise. As a Buddhist, I accept that the secret of good health is not to mourn the past that had happened or to worry about the future that had yet to be unfold. We simply need to appreciate the present, and live life to fullest wisely, ethically, and honestly.

Looking back, I did had my fair share of difficult years, but hose difficult years are probably are destined path that enriched our life with experiences. Good or bad, those experiences that embraced us basically made our lives more meaningful. For example, I did have my fair share of betrayals and letdowns, but out of these negative endevours, I built my emotional stability of not letting resentment against others became part of my daily life, in doing so, I learned to forgive and forget and move on with life. I also learned to concealed my hurt feelings and sadness in order not to show my weaknesses to others. In other word, I learned to accept others for what they are, and I also learned to be generous in forgiveness and not to indulge in resentments to live an even more meaningful life of happiness and contentment.

It is counter productive to engage in the vicious cycle of resentments and retaliations, at the end of it, nobody walks out winning. Why should I waste my time worrying or responding to ill intent, ungrateful, or people with no remorse. I am what I am today, surviving against all odds, simply because, I direct all my energies and resources to ensure my success, well beings, and happiness of my family. Of course, I am not denying the fact that, there are always sicked people with ill intents trying their level best lurking around in the dark corner of their mind trying to sabotage and make life life difficult for you. But why worry about these negative people ? At the end of the day, we decide our own fates and successes. I am not a pervert but I am still a strong believer of duality of nature of life. Life would be very boring if this world only consist of good people, in all our righteousness, we can not deny the universal fact that we still need bad people to fill the vacant spaces in hell and to make us look good. Be thankful to these negative people, because they did made our life stronger and more meaningful.

Come to think of it, if this world does not have any bad people, we probably don't need any religion to preach their man made words of God to us, all the lawyers will be begging on the streets, all law enforcement personnel will be out of jobs, and maybe a lot of people will be queuing at the unemployment line.....

But whatever it is, good people enjoy good night sleep and wake up refresh the next day. Bad people are kept awake through out the night consumed by hatreds and dizzying their minds with ill intents. For that, I am going to sleep. Good NitezZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Om Namo Amithaba Buddha.

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