Tuesday, September 11, 2007

An incredible blow job .......

According to a news report by Xiaoxiang Morning Post ( 潇湘晨报 ), a 52 years old Chinese man, Zhang Zhenghui (张正辉 ), managed to blow up a hot water bottle with his nose in just two minutes. He performed the feat on 5th September 2007 in front of a Supermarket in Liling (醴陵) City. He also performed the feat of blowing up the inner tube of a truck tyre in 8 to 9 minutes at the same venue. Zhang said it took him 3 years to perfect the feat. Zhang had also previously broke the record of wearing a pair of iron shoes weighing more than 100 kilograms. He is planning to obtained Guinness World's record recognition for his new found ability with his nose. Read 2分钟,鼻子吹爆热水袋 -曾经的“铁鞋王”,如今有了新绝活.

One piece of advise, don't stand in front of him when he sneeze. He may sneeze you away if you stand in his sneezy way. And, remember, please do not irritate him, with his strong leg muscles, he can also kick your #@!% with ease....

The Chinese had been claiming Guinness World's records one after another. With 1.3 billion people, the Chinese are not only hardworking and talented, but also extraordinary. Now, even a blow job qualifies for consideration into the world's records. Not just any blow job, a Chinese blow job using the nose. Can you match that, ladies ? 棒, 棒, 棒, 非常棒. Ichiban leh ?

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