Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A shrine for Barbie ?

Talk about spiritualism........ In Singapore's Pulau Ubin, there is a shrine dedicated to the spirit of a German girl who died during World War I. The little girl's spirit has been elevated to the status of Deity by the locals. The shrine is known as "Lady Datuk Kong Shrine". What religion is this ? New Age ?

“.....Three years ago, a local emigrant to Australia had the same weird dream for three nights. In his dream, a western girl led him to a shop. She then asked him to buy a Barbie doll and bring it to the"Lady Na Tuk Gong Shrine". The man followed the directions given with a grain of salt. To his surprise, he found the shop and also the doll the girl described in his dream. He bought the doll and brought it back to Pulau Ubin. Today, a lot of people come to the temple to worship the Barbie doll and it is said their prayers for safety and health are answered....” Read further at Sin Chew Daily's "拿督公姑娘廟"

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