Sunday, December 31, 2006

the December's Rains

the month of festivities,
of discarding the old,
and of welcoming the new year.

These December's rains
was send from heaven
to clean human dirts and sins
before new year come.

This times,
it belted on earth, it belted hard,
and pounded this sinful earth in fury.
Its sounds are not of soothing lullabies
but of angers and wraths from heaven.
He who knows, now give damnations -
floods, mudslides, earthquakes, and strong winds.

Why calling out the name of your God now ?
Seeking divine blessings for your misdeeds ?
Will your insincere prayers grants you
protections and blessings from the Almighty ?
You can deceived your fellow human beings,
but can you deceived the Almighty ?

For whatever that was, or is, or will,
it is Karma and Vipaka.
You reap what you sowed.
In his name, you denied and deprived others of their rights.
You rent seeked and demanded ill gotten wealths.
You abused human rights and imposed injustices......
Now, all that you ill gottenly possessed
shall be taken away by "acts of God".

Now, repent, repent, repent.....
Stop your forked tongue hypocrisies.
Stop your faked righteousness and religiousity.
Stop the arrogances, decadences, and abuses.
Treat your fellow humans
with equality, compassion, and respect,
before the force of the good book is throw at you.....

Set your mind free
of hatreds, ignorances, intolerances, and injustices.
Listen ! Do you hear what I said ?
December's rains are coming your way !

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